Best Winston Churchill Quotes about success in life.
Winston Churchill Quotes: Winston Churchill was a British Statesman and also the Prime Minister of the UK from 1940 to 1945. He was also a Historian, Writer, artist, and an officer in the British Army. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature and he was also the first-ever person to become an Honorary Citizen of the United States. Born 24 October 1961 Churchill was the son of a highly charismatic politician. He lived in Dublin from the age of 2 to 6. His Grandfather was appointed as viceroy there.
He first came in contact with any type of education when a governess tried to teach him how to read and write and also taught him arithmetic. Churchill was an independent and rebellious soul which was the reason why his academic record was poor. But all of that changed later in life when he started attending Harrow School where he did exceptionally well in Mathematics in the Harrow School entrance exam. and was even put into the top division because of his excellence in the subject.
Churchill left Harrow in 1893 and he applied to attend the Royal Military College. He passed the entrance exam on his 4th attempt Since his grades were lower and he disliked maths both of which were required to be trained as infantry so he applied to be trained as a cavalry. His life as a politician was also very fulfilling and he was elected as the Prime Minister twice. As a known face in politics for about 50 years he has held various cabinet and political positions.
He was also an accomplished artist and took great pleasure in painting. Since he used to suffer from depression spells from time to time he found out that painting was heaven for him at that particular time. He continued his hobby of painting throughout his life and he was very well known for painting beautiful landscapes. Some of his painting is still there at the Dallas Museum of Art.
Churchill was an inspiring personality. The way he led his life and the number of things he achieved is no joke and hence he is such an inspiration to so many. Below are some of
Winston Churchill most popular quotes
check them out.
Aside from being an artist he was also a writer and has written one novel, two biographies, three volumes of memoirs, and numerous histories under the pen name Winston.S.Churchill. His four-volume history called A History of English Speaking People and his six-volume memoir titled The Second World War were the works that skyrocketed his international fame. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 1953. Nine days after a severe stroke Churchill passed away at his London home on January 24, 1965, at the age of 90.
So these were the greatest and inspiring quotes of Sir Winston Churchill and Biography. We hope that you Like these. Check out our other articles on quotes by famous personality.