Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quotes & Biography: Have you ever heard of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel? He is a prominent German philosopher, whose works have had a profound impact on the development of modern European philosophy. who gave quotes like” The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk.”
Georg wilhelm friedrich hegel influenced by : Martin Heidegger, Ludwig Feuerbach, Michel Foucault, MORE.
He has contributed to several fields such as logic, aesthetics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. In this blog post, we will explore the life, works, and quotes of Hegel, and discover why he is considered one of the most important figures in 19th-century philosophy.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Early Life and Education:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in Stuttgart, Germany on August 27th, 1770. He was the oldest of three children in a middle-class family.
As a child, Hegel was known for his intelligence and love for books. He attended the Latin school in Stuttgart and later joined the Tübinger Stift, a Protestant seminary, where he was introduced to philosophy.
While studying there, he became friends with Friedrich Schelling, who would later become a prominent philosopher.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Major Works
Hegel’s major works include his Philosophy of History, Phenomenology of Spirit, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Science of Logic, and Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences.
One of his most famous concepts is the Hegelian dialectic, which is a method of resolving disagreements by finding a synthesis of opposing ideas.
Hegel’s philosophy centered on the idea that reality is composed of a series of contradictions that lead to a higher truth or synthesis. His works influenced many thinkers such as Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Quotes:
Hegel’s quotes are known for being complex yet thought-provoking.
One of his most famous quotes is, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” This quote highlights one of Hegel’s key beliefs, that history repeats itself because humans do not learn from past events.
Another famous quote is, “The truth is the whole,” which emphasizes the importance of understanding the whole picture, rather than individual parts. His quotes continue to inspire and challenge thinkers to this day.
Here are more beautiful and philosophical quotes by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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“Nothing great in the world was accomplished without passion.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“What experience and history teaches us is that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“It is solely by risking life that freedom is obtained; . . . the individual who has not staked his or her life may, no doubt, be recognized as a Person; but he or she has not attained the truth of this recognition as an independent self-consciousness.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“this is love. I have my self-consciousness not in myself but in the other. I am satisfied and have peace with myself only in this other and I AM only because I have peace with myself; if I did not have it then I would be a contradiction that falls to pieces. This other, because it likewise exists outside itself, has its self-consciousness only in me; and both the other and I are only this consciousness of being-outside-ourselves and of our identity; we are only this intuition, feeling, and knowledge of our unity. This is love, and without knowing that love is both a distinguishing and the sublation of this distinction, one speaks emptily of it.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of the blossom. The ceaseless activity of their own inherent nature makes these stages moments of an organic unity, where they not merely do not contradict one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and constitutes thereby the life of the whole.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“The ignorant man is not free, because what confronts him is an alien world, something outside him and in the offing, on which he depends, without his having made this foreign world for himself and therefore without being at home in it by himself as in something his own. The impulse of curiosity, the pressure for knowledge, from the lowest level up to the highest rung of philosophical insight arises only from the struggle to cancel this situation of unfreedom and to make the world one’s own in one’s ideas and thought.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“When liberty is mentioned, we must always be careful to observe whether it is not really the assertion of private interests which is thereby designated.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“People who are too fastidious towards the finite never reach actuality, but linger in abstraction, and their light dies away.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“Once the state has been founded, there can no longer be any heroes. They come on the scene only in uncivilized conditions.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“An idea is always a generalization, and generalization is a property of thinking. To generalize means to think”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“History is not the soil in which happiness grows. The periods of happiness in it are the blank pages of history.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“America is therefore the land of the future, where, in the ages that lie before us, the burden of the World’s History shall reveal itself.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“Art does not simply reveal God: it is one of the ways in which God reveals, and thus actualizes, himself.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“The state of man’s mind, or the elementary phase of mind which he so far possesses, conforms precisely to the state of the world as he so far views it”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“The length of the journey has to be borne with, for every moment is necessary.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Read More about Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel here.